Aerial Circus Therapy (ACT)
Now funded by Sports England UK together Fund, For anyone with mental health issues, disabilities, long term illness, from Culturally diverse communities, Those on low incomes. So a 6 week course in ACT will be £10 to book
This class is for anyone who would like to improve the relationship they have with their body. These classes integrate physio-spiritual practices with Aerial circus. incorporating mindfulness, qigong, yoga, breathing, mind body awareness with Aerial conditioning, stretching and circus tricks.
Click here to book an Individual Session
Still available some Arts Council Funded £1 taster classes – click here
Click here to book a block of a month or term.
GOA CIRCUS RETREAT. Aerial Circus Therapy Intensive – INDIA
This is a 2-week programme, held in India every January. 2-5 hours per day, to give you deep and intensive Aerial Circus Therapy. – Please Click here for more Info.
4 Day Aerial Circus Therapy Retreat
This is a unique opportunity to develop your skills individually, with a friend or as a group. We will cover aerial conditioning, aerial tricks, sequences, and stretching. There will also be an opportunity to practice what you have learned during a self-practice session.