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Summer Circus Festival Rehearsal Course


We welcome students from both Temple Cloud Circus and Other Circus Schools,  This is a unique opportunity to perform in a real circus tent. 

You can sign up for a show at any level, however, you must have an act prepared before arriving at the first rehearsal, the rehearsals are not an act creation course, they are to rehearse your act and create the show around the act. If you miss any classes you will need to rebook to replace the ones missed. This is to ensure good stamina as per our aerial performing risk assessment.


When signing up for the summer shows we ask you to help set up and take down our big tent. Many hands make light work.

We welcome students from both Temple Cloud Circus and Other Circus Schools,  This is a unique opportunity to perform in a real circus tent.


I am from another circus school and have send my act via email to admin@templecloudcircus.com, 2024 SUMMER TENT SHOW (Fri April 19th 26th 6-7.30pm) (May 3rd, 10th 17th, 24th, 31st Tue 28th 6-7.30pm)(Tue 4th, 11th Fri 7th Thursday13th June 6pm)

Performance Course

Act Creation 121 Date TBC with Sammy, I am from another circus school, I have emailed a vid of my act it to admin@templecloudcircus.com, I don't need a 121 Performance course

Arriving on Time

I understand this is a team production and I need to arrive on time to every rehearsal.

Consent Photos

I consent to myself or my child having photos/Videos taken that could be posted on social media.


I agree to proved a safe costume that is checked in the dress rehearsal

Time Commitment

All rehearsals(except allowable ones) must be attended as per health and safety policy, I am from another circus school and agree to attend the rehearsal the night before the show.


I agree to email a single clean MP3 song B4 first rehearsal

Performance Commitment

I will signed the performance commitment form

Allowable reschedule

I am from another circus school and I can attend the rehursal the night before, I can attend all dates, There is 1 date I cannot make and have send it via email to admin@templecloudcircus.com


I am able to Volenteer 4 hours to support ( Sammy to scedual rota), Im sorry im too busy to help.

Which Shows to Perform

Friday 13th 6.30pm, Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th 1pm.